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Narayaneeyam: A Tamil Translation of the 15th Dashakam
Narayaneeyam is a Sanskrit devotional hymn composed by Narayana Bhattathiri, a 16th-century scholar and poet. It consists of 1036 verses divided into 100 dashakams or chapters, each describing an aspect of the divine Lord Vishnu. The hymn is a condensed version of the Bhagavata Purana, one of the major Hindu scriptures.
The 15th dashakam of Narayaneeyam narrates the story of Kapila, an incarnation of Vishnu, who taught the philosophy of Sankhya to his mother Devahuti. He also liberated his father Kardama Muni from worldly attachments and granted him liberation. The dashakam also describes the birth of Narayana and Nara, two sages who were partial incarnations of Vishnu and Arjuna respectively. They performed severe penance at Badarikashrama and obtained the vision of Vishnu.
The following is a Tamil translation of the 15th dashakam of Narayaneeyam, based on the Sanskrit text and English transliteration available at The translation is not literal, but tries to convey the meaning and essence of the verses.
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He thought of his own form as the Purusha, the supreme spirit, who is beyond the material nature. He taught his mother the Sankhya philosophy, which explains the difference between the Purusha and the Prakriti, the material nature. He also taught her the Yoga philosophy, which shows the way to attain liberation from the bondage of Prakriti.
His mother Devahuti listened to his teachings with great devotion and faith. She followed his instructions and practiced Yoga with detachment and concentration. She attained the supreme state of bliss and realized her identity with the Purusha. She became free from all sorrows and desires.
His father Kardama Muni also approached him and requested him to grant him liberation. He had fulfilled his duties as a householder and had served his wife with love and respect. He had also performed many sacrifices and charities for the welfare of others. He had no attachment to his wealth or children.
Kapila blessed his father and told him to renounce all worldly ties and wander as a mendicant. He assured him that he would soon attain the supreme abode of Vishnu, where there is no sorrow or fear. Kardama Muni bowed down to his son and left his home with a peaceful mind. ec8f644aee